AGC-0000 .. Abell Galaxy Clusters [AOC]
ABELL-00 .. Abell Planetary
AST-name ... Asteroids
B-000 .......... Bernard Dark Nebula
BERK-0000 .Berkeley Open Clusters
C-000 .......... Caldwell
COM-name . Comets
CR-000 . ...... Collinder Open Clusters
GSC-0000 ... GSC Stars (Carbon)
H-x-000 ....... Herschel Double Stars ... [1-2-3-4-5-6-N]
HCG-000 ..... Hickson Compact Galaxies
IC-0000 ....... IC Catalog Objects
LBN-0000 ... Lloyds Bright Nebula
M-000 .......... Messier Catalog Objects
NGC-0000 ... NGC Catalog Objects
PGC-000000 . PGC Galaxies
SAO-000000 . SAO Stars
SH2-000 ...... Sharpless Nebula (Ha)

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